We love it here! The people are so beautiful inside and out! Our ward is so friendly and patient with our slow spanish:) They just called me into the primary presidency. I am so excited! I don't mind if the kids laugh at my spanish. Thank goodness its not R.S.:)
Everything is so different here. The driving is like being in Manhatten, NY. You just honk and go! I say a prayer and get my hand on the horn!lol I've never seen so many nice cars. Our 2006 Toyota is the ghetto car in our neighborhood. Our neighbors drive BMW, Mercedes, Lexus and a Jaguar. And the women here are so beautiful! Some are tall with long thick hair and beautiful skin! They get so dressed up just to go to the store. I mean they are all decked out in their skinny jeans and stelleto heals. Apparently I have to step it up a notch:)
We love our neighborhood! And when the trash guys come they ring this cow bell and load it by hand. I think the bell is so cute! We usually leave them some pesos or they "forget" to take it the next time!lol We live near a church and on Sundays you can hear the big bells. So pretty! Our neighborhood is gated with a 24hr. security guard and the guards are so sweet. They always try to talk to us so we just say gracias and smile:) We bring them pastries and tacos so now we're their mejores amigos:) Here's some pics of our house and the Zapopan cathedral. Its only about 7 min. from our house!
This was the night we got here in the rain and so we look a little scary after being in the car for 4 days!