Sunday, May 9, 2010

Love this boy!!

My baby boy is getting so big! Brian is already 6months old but everyone thinks he's 11-12 months! He is such a happy boy, always laughing and smiling at anyone and anything!:) He loves spanish and spanish women! I'm not even kidding, he lights up when women start talking to him in spanish. It is so dang cute! They love him and he knows it.:)


  1. AAAAAWWWWWWW!!! Such a cutie!! =)

  2. You guys moved to Mexico?! How exciting! What a fun adventure! I'm so glad Adam is pursuing a medical career... I can totally see him as a doctor!!!! What kind of medicine is he going into?

    Congrats on your new baby (that's six months old now). He's so cute! Wow time flies! I've become more and more terrible at keeping in touch with people and I was never very good at it to begin with.

    Good luck with everything!!!!


  3. He is a very cute little babe. So fun that your family gets to have this exciting time in your lives.
